суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

college pickoff

1817 Ontdekking van het graf van Seti I door Giovanni Battista Belzoni.
1867 De Verenigde Staten kopen Alaska van Rusland.
1922 Oprichting van de British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
1962 De Nobelprijs voor de Fysiologie of Geneeskunde wordt toegekend aan James Watson,
� �� �� �Francis Crick en Maurice Wilkins voor de ontdekking van de structuur van DNA.
1989 Lancering van Galileo, het eerste ruimtetuig dat in een baan om Jupiter terechtkomt.
2005 In het Big Brotherhuis wordt de eerste big brother baby geboren.

dance history latin, college pickoff, college picks, college picks and ncaa football, college picture fun.

david tao i m ok

Well, how are you all?��Been 6 weeks, figured you were missing me.� Might as well give you an update on my life.� Looking back, Iapos;ve realized there is nothing about how the Academy is now.� And just stuff in general with my life.

The Academyapos;s been awesome, actually.� I still hang out with my old friends a lot, and Iapos;ve been hanging out a lot with a group of awesome juniors.� It is surprising actually, Iapos;ve probably been hanging out more juniors than seniors. �Gonna stink when I�graduate and have to leave them all.� Bah well.

Classwise, thatapos;s a whole different area of fun.� ME-�Kick ass.� EE-Bad ass.� English-Easy. �Bio-Lab-Easy, and actually fun.� Bio-Awesome, actually, thanks to teacher. �Physics lab-fun, but a lot of work for a lab.� So what classes does that leave?� Oh yeah, Physics and Calc II.

Physics is a really awesome class.� You canapos;t get a better teacher than Stroldger.� Plus, physics fridays? �Dressing up in crazy outfits?� You canapos;t beat it� However, the exams are getting more difficult.� First one, 46/50, easy.� Second one, which was Monday, 32/50.� 37/50 after extra credit.� Hopefully my next exam is better.� Itapos;s on Thursday, not even 2 weeks afterwards.� Yeah.� Kinda sucks.

Calc II just sucks in general. �Iapos;m on study hours cause of it. �Por sucks as a teacher, and I�have to read the book outside of class to learn anything.� My quizzes are great, but my first exam was a 65.� Hopefully my second one will be better, itapos;s on Tuesday.

Due next week:�English paper, Report for ME, Calc Test, Physics Test, two physics assignments, Physics lab report.� Bleh.

But what about the main point of my life, the part of my life dealing with relationships?� At this point, Iapos;m sorta just blah, not really feeling like adding onto this blog much.� Iapos;ll just state it simply, I like a girl, and weapos;re gonna see what happens.

Right now, Iapos;m just surviving the now and preparing for the future.� Kirsten is gonna come to my house down halloween weekend, so Iapos;m really happy. �And its the weekend, and its just good at the Academy, so Iapos;m good.
david tao i m ok, david tao i love you lyrics, david tao i love you lyric, david tao i love you.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

beer coors neon sign

Hmmm, didnt get the SU�economist thingy haha. �THough they said it was a strong application :D� I wonder if i was up against all the year 3, in any case, this was a great learning experience and maybe God wants me to relax more and not take up so much stuff :D

Ok yesterday i did grocery shopping, bought loads of ready and fattening meals, 100 pounds� My aunt and i lugged everything back� I think it can last me the term seriously :D

I am going to the cathedral today with my aunt, look see look see.� Haven continued the BOE application, damn gan jeong cannot apply yet hahahaha.�

Cant wait to eat good food for lunch, not that i havenapos;t really.� Cafe library sells yummy hot food for around 3-4 pounds per meal, but that meals every week i have to top up around 20 pounds just for lunch.� I cant pack lunches coz by the time i take it out, itapos;s cold and disgusting and the whole tupperware will be wet, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv er xin i tried before.� And i dont fancy bread unless its with baked beans, yum

So then, i think weapos;ll be eating asian food from some push carts today :D

Reading list is getting longer and longer.� I printed 90 pages worth of readings for this week, and that does not include textbook chapters which probably amount to 15 pounds this week alone.� Why are the lecturers so sadistic???� I wonder if itapos;s the same everywhere..

Anyway elsa is going to university of british columbia for her exchange� I applied to that uni, v strong in economics as well, hahaha. I think i wanna fly to us/canada to visit if possible, not this winter or easter.� Maybe summer or next winter?

and if i dont get any internship (iapos;m only applying for max 3 banks), which is really normal for a university student contrary to popular belief, i shall be back in singapore and i will definitely travel asia� Muahaha, my destinations will include brunei - angeline, malaysia - christine, jessica, he xin, aaron, heng yong..., thailand - suferne, hong kong - sophie, ot, teresa, etc.�� Must start saving hahaha.

Time to go for POF seminar.� I love Peter Corvi� Hopefully iapos;ll gain loads more information this seminar :D
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bank city mexico new

"White people. Theyapos;re everywhere, but especially theyapos;re in Portland. Theyapos;re out there gingerly sipping their designer lattes in eco-friendly, sweatshop-free slacks, reminiscing fondly about HBOapos;s The Wire and its authentically fictional hard-knocks Baltimore, high-fiving each other in retellings of the latest sardonically enlightened Sarah Silverman jokes and congratulating each other for not being -heaven forfend- Republican. Theyapos;re out there wearing scarves with T-shirts, appreciating fine art, riding fixed-gear bicycles, knowing whether your Snow Buds white tea is Fair Trade. They think youapos;re inauthentic for shopping at Safeway. They like the idea of soccer, even though they donapos;t really watch it."

Welcome to Portland They failed mention that every guy has a beard and EVERYONE wears a backpack, at all times.

My city brings the lulz (I might be one of those white people they are talking about, but only sort of, shutup).
I donapos;t approve of sweatshops therefore I <3 American Apparel, I love lattes (though my favorite is pumpkin spice from Starbucks, which is looked down upon), I have a bike but it has multiple gears, and I am definitely NOT a Republican, Iapos;ve never seen The Wire, I do not find Sarah Silverman particularly funny nor do I know what teas are fair trade, I just know what kinds taste good (Mt. Hood Vanilla Black Tea, it does happen to be organic).

Seems Iapos;m halfway there.

Apparently Iapos;ve still got some Florida in me.
bank city mexico new, bank city mi national, bank city miami national, bank city michigan national.